What does a board certified clinical pharmacist with over 25 years of experience in burn and wound care do when she can't find a pet wound and skin care product that she likes?
She formulates her own, of course!
That's how Stat! Spray was created. Back then, it was simply known as "the stuff that smells like eucalyptus" and then later Monterey Gel by pet owners in the Monterey-Salinas, California area who spread the word of this amazing product that speeds the healing of bites, cuts, scrapes, and other skin conditions for cats, dogs, and horses.
Encouraged by the positive results and rising demand, the family-owned business of Corral del Cielo, LLC was formed and after a few final tweaks the marketing of Stat! Spray began.
Stat! Spray is now available online at our website www.statspray.com and at Amazon.com. We are currently adding retail outlets and veterinarian clinics.

For more information about Stat! Spray contact statsupport@statspray.com